Academic Specialist
CREATE for STEM Insitute

Team Member Bio
Consuelo Morales is a Research Associate with the CREATE for STEM Institute. For HiOH, she is the Curriculum and Teacher Support Lead. With a background in biological sciences. she has 9+ years’ experience working in secondary science education at the middle school, high school, and university level. Consuelo's current work, as curriculum and professional learning lead on the HiOH team aligns well with her interests in investigating how teachers and students are utilizing three-dimensional learning as supported by the NGSS. Consuelo completed a master’s degree in public health (‘09) along with a PhD (‘16) in secondary science education at the University of Michigan. Before CREATE, Consuelo was a lecturer of secondary science methods at the University of Michigan. She has also worked as seminar and field instructor for undergraduate preservice teachers. Consuelo is bilingual in Spanish and loves to travel. She lived in Spain for 5 years which allowed her to travel throughout Europe. In the summer of 2016, traveled to Panama to work with the Panamanian education sector and help develop a national curriculum that mirrors some ideas from NGSS.