Health Summits

Health Summits

Every unit of Health in Our Hands culminates in a Health Summit which provides a platform for students to share the results of their community action research projects and suggestions with the wider community. The HiOH-Flint/Genesee Partners, teachers, and project staff organize these district-wide or cross-district events.  A diverse range of participants including family members, mentors, district administration, community-based organizations, state and local health-related organizations, and museums and other informal education groups attend the summits and interact with students.


Students at health summit
Students at health summit

Similar to a professional scientific conference, students present their community action research projects. They also are introduced to biomedical and health-related STEM careers by interacting with attendees and through mini workshops scheduled following their presentations. Both academic means (posters, panel, and evidence-based explanations) and culturally relevant means (rap songs; artwork) are valued as ways to represent students’ work.

The summit events have been highly successful. Judges comment about how knowledgeable, enthusiastic and well prepared the students are.  They have been impressed with the variety of student research projects and data collection methods all leading to consistent messages about healthy eating and exercise. Students and family members overwhelmingly report increased awareness of educational and career choices in science.


The summit events have been highly successful. Judges comment about how knowledgeable, enthusiastic and well prepared the students are.  They have been impressed with the variety of student research projects and data collection methods all leading to consistent messages about healthy eating and exercise. Students and family members overwhelmingly report increased awareness of educational and career choices in science.


Students and staff at health summit