Professional Learning

Professional Learning and Teacher Support


Professional learning and teacher support are important components of implementing HiOH curriculum and engaging teachers in curriculum design.


HiOH professional learning (PL) is focused on supporting teachers in building a robust understanding of curriculum to help them enact the materials in ways aligned with the intent of the design and shift towards student-centered instruction. PL develops teachers’ understanding of core disciplinary ideas, scientific and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts, and how these works together to support explanations for phenomena and the development of solutions to problems. This understanding enables teachers to participate in curriculum design.


  • HiOH PL builds a community of practice based upon best practices established as part of CREATE for STEM Institute Next Generation Project-Based Learning, including learning goals, teacher driving questions, experiential learning, and collaboration. 
  • Teacher support while implementing the curriculum is extensive and typically includes weekly check-ins and bi-monthly Professional Learning Community (PLC) sessions.
  • HiOH PL and teacher support seeks to link teachers with informal educators and community experts to learn new teaching strategies, make seamless connections between the classroom and the community, and introduce STEM careers thereby extending students’ experiences with gene-environment concepts beyond the classroom to informal settings. 


Due to COVID-19, HiOH PL took place virtually in July 2020 and was adapted for synchronous and asynchronous content. A main goal was to support teachers to figure out how to shift instructional practice to align with NGSS in virtual settings. To learn more, click here.


For more information about HiOH PL and teacher support for you or your district, contact us here.