Unit 2: How SIMILAR or DIFFERENT are we?
Health in Our Hands: How Similar and Different Are We? is a half-semester (8 week), NGSS-inspired, project-based learning curriculum for high school life science covering molecular genetics and genomics. By investigating multiple phenomena, e.g., skin color and lactose intolerance, students connect molecular mechanisms to cellular function to understand how genes influence our physical features and health. Students are introduced to genomics, the study of the genetic makeup of an entire population. For their final project, students conduct a community action research project to consider ethical implications of genetic research. They share results and recommendations at a Health Summit with family and broader community.
- How SIMILAR or DIFFERENT are we?(Teacher Guide)
- How SIMILAR and DIFFERENT are we? (Student Guide)
- How SIMILAR and DIFFERENT are we? (Community Activity Handbook)
This unit was developed during an earlier SEPA project, Education for Community Genomic Awareness (2006-12), which produced a high school curriculum addressing molecular genetics and genomics working in partnership high schools in Detroit and Flint, Michigan. Educators may find it valuable to adapt this unit in its current form for use in their classrooms with appropriate citations.

Citation: Rogat, A., Alozie, N., Eklund, J., Morales, C.M., Krajcik, J. (2012) How Similar and Different Are We? [Curriculum] University of Michigan.
License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 Modifications YES, commercial use YES, sharing required YES (CC-BY-SA-4.0) This resource is provided under the terms of the Creative Commons license linked below. You may remix, tweak, and build upon this resource for non-commercial and commercial purposes, as long as you provide credit to CREATE for STEM Institute at Michigan State University and license your new creations under identical terms.