Unit 1: What Controls My Health? (Phenomena: Type 2 Diabetes)
This website provides access to the open-source curriculum and curricular resources, a list of supplies and equipment, and professional learning slides. The curriculum has been tested in classrooms and can be used with appropriate citations.
Description: Designed to meet the Next Generations Science Standards, in this 8-10 week unit, students investigate Type-2 diabetes which connects them to real-world experiences and provides relevance for their learning. Diabetes, like many common diseases, is caused by a combination of both genetic and environmental factors. During the project-based unit, students meet Monique, a girl their age diagnosed with diabetes, and investigate how lifestyle options for healthy foods and exercise help prevent or reduce diabetes. For their final project, students conduct a community action project to improve their school or neighborhood to help prevent or reduce diabetes. After completing their investigations, students share their findings with their peers and broader community, draw conclusions regarding their inquiry question while addressing ethical issues, and suggest solutions and potential actions based on their findings. The unit focuses on critical community health concerns and brings students’ cultural background and family experience into the science class as a resource and asset for learning. Biomedical research and health-related careers are introduced throughout the curricula.
- Acknowledgements
- Citation - Adler, I., Morales, C.J., Bayer, R., Peek-Brown, D., Lee, J., Krajcik, J., (2017). Health in Our Hands: What controls my health? [Curriculum]. Michigan State University: CREATE for STEM Institute.
- Storyline
- Supplies/Resources List

Learning Set 1 (3 days): Some of the physical and mental effects of diabetes through the sub-driving question, “What affects Monique’s diabetes?”
Learning Set 2 (4 days): The basic biological mechanism of diabetes through the sub-driving question, “How does diabetes affect Monique’s body systems?”
Learning Set 3 (4 days): Inheritance as a genetic component of diabetes through the sub-driving question, “How does Monique’s family affect her diabetes?”
Learning Set 4 (7 days): Genetic and environmental factors interact affecting the health and survival of organisms. Students investigate the sub-driving question, “How do Monique’s characteristics and environment affect her diabetes?”
Learning Set 5 (4 days): Healthy and unhealthy food choices can affect our health and how to collect and use the information about food we eat. Students investigate the sub-driving question, “What can Monique do to make her environment healthier?”
Learning Set 6 (2-3 weeks): What can students do to reduce the risk of diabetes by designing and conducting a community action project focused on making a change in their environment and communicating their findings and recommendations at a health summit. Students address the sub-driving question, “How can we work together to make our environment healthier?”